I’ve got ice my veins
Blood in my eyes
Hate in my heart
Love on mind
I’ve seen nights full of pain
Days are the same
You keep the sunshine
Save me the rain
I search but never find
Hurt but never cry
I work and forever try
But I’m cursed so never mind
And its worse but better times seem further and beyond
The top gets higher the more I climb
The spot gets smaller and I get bigger
Trying to get in where I fit in no room for a nigga
But soon for a nigga it’ll be on mother fucker
Coz all this bullshit makes me strong mother fucker
These are the lyrics constituiting the first verse of Lil’ Wayne’s song Drop the World ft Eminem. Lil Wayne is one of my favourite artists and Eminem is my favourite artist. I like this particular song because I feel it describes me perfectly past, present and hopefully future.
So what do I mean by this let me give you an example:
Hate in my heart
Love on mynd
For real I have hate in my heart for my dad, step mum and life. I tired of all their bullshit. I think its a big part of me now. There was a time it actually consumed me. It made my think dark murderous thoughts. It made me think of slow painful revenge. Of power and using it to punish people. Don’t worry its mostly gone now!:)
I think about love alot. A while back I could feel it all around me, or atleast I believved I did. I felt it from my family, friends and even people I met. These days I don’t feel it as much. Only the really “strong” one, you know the type that come from direct family – brother, sisters, mother and one of my grandmas. From anyone else I don’t feel it anymore. Don’t get me wrong, I know its there I just don’t feel it anymore. Anyway I find it ironic that the love is in my mind not my heart.
The rest of the lyrics also apply to me in other ways but I just wanted to talk about those two lines. Yes I feel broken. So what? Don’t worry too much. Anyways as always peace!!!
(Bloody claim token: SRCVE9X49GNE don’t pay much attention to it)
Heeey me being the girl with the Love vybes…hehe
I think at one point of life, someone feels that they are out of love, and you have your low moments and all. But since you've been able to identify where the hate is coming from…love will gradually come, and you will be able to love others as well besides the immediate relatives.
And the coined phrase, for love yourself would also apply, if you love yourself you'll be able to share it with others easily.
Cheers pal 🙂
You listening to the right lyrics at the wrong time, believe me you, you been through the ish, passed it from the ringer to the middle finger, my only guess is that you don't give a damn what people think, Sydney believe this, i love the kid in you, the kid in me is surpressed and struggling to come out, but the one in you just zooms out at will. Ha ha. CHEERS!
Worry us nooo… I have those moments but the feeling of content with myself usually brings things into perspective.
Cheers good friend :]
Thanks you guys for commenting and the advice I really appreciate it:)
i love the song too.. and eminem is my favourite artist also… the hate and love moments are what life is made of.. it can be a major pain in the bum most of the time but the good time keep you floating..
awesome blog btw =)
@kaimuri Thanks for commenting and the compliment:) I really appreciate it
i love the song too.. and eminem is my favourite artist also… the hate and love moments are what life is made of.. it can be a major pain in the bum most of the time but the good time keep you floating..
awesome blog btw =)
You listening to the right lyrics at the wrong time, believe me you, you been through the ish, passed it from the ringer to the middle finger, my only guess is that you don't give a damn what people think, Sydney believe this, i love the kid in you, the kid in me is surpressed and struggling to come out, but the one in you just zooms out at will. Ha ha. CHEERS!