So this is another guest post by another firend of mine! Actually the girl I told you about here and here. Yeah Mich, that awesome awesome girl I told you about. Well she wrote this for my a long time ago and I was supposed to put it up back then but I’ve been busy and lazy! So anyway here it is now…So I’m sure that not many of us know that this is Kid Cudi’s 2nd LP that is to be released later this year. I’m sure someone knows what Man on the Moon means, and I used to at a point, but since I’ve forgotten, pardon the meaning I’ll give it today.
We all know our brains have two sides, just like the moon, a bright side and a dark side. So taking the brain to be a moon, we’d say that there’s a man on my moon right now, and his story is quite like Kid Cudi’s, so its the legend of Mr. Rager.
In the dark side of my brain, Mr. Rager is a guy who’s gone through quite so much in his life, he should be as dark as the universe without stars, but in the bright side, he’s just reflecting sunlight off him to everyone who cares to get warm.
But there’s something about this guy, he’s just sticking on the moon, without any plans of getting down to earth, he’s getting comfortable on the moon, because its like he’s forgotten that even though people will always disappoint him, he’ll run out of oxygen one day….
Now that I’m running out of metaphors… I guess I’ll stop there, because this is not my kinda thing, and I’m not wont to say things just like that…so I shall talk about man on the moon 2…
He’s the guy who constantly runs around the moon, trying to stay in the light, as the moon rotates alot, and he’s always there to brighten up my nights. I’ve gone to the extent of building castles in the air for this guy, hoping that he’ll find it, because he’s trying to get off the moon, and I wouldn’t want him to get hurt on his way to earth. Soon enough, he’ll catch his flight on Cloud Nine, and he’ll become real to me….because he’s just a figment of my imagination. But I’d have him anyday over my first man on the moon…who for now is the only man on the brain.
I don’t know if that will make sense to anyone but me,but everyone should get a copy of The Legend of Mr. Rager, and actually listen to what he has to say, because I think there’s a lot going on beneath his cheesy smile.
Personally I didn’t get it all but atleast some of it was understandable. What did y’all think of it? Share your thoughts in the comments below and I’ll let my friend konw what you think.
Listening to Mr.Rager, my adventures have me conversing with men on the moon. Pensive; thoughts of travesring the galaxy have me harnessing incentives to vamos. SEE you in a couple of light years. Relativity. No theories.
Now you see me…. drifting off. lift off!
Both albums are fantastic! Brilliant! Sensational… There aren't enough adjectives to describe them.
Listening to Mr.Rager, my adventures have me conversing with men on the moon. Pensive; thoughts of travesring the galaxy have me harnessing incentives to vamos. SEE you in a couple of light years. Relativity. No theories.
Now you see me…. drifting off. lift off!
Both albums are fantastic! Brilliant! Sensational… There aren't enough adjectives to describe them.