#TodaysReads: Kenya’s Sex Tourism, Microsoft’s Secret Book & more (18.5.14)

Microsoft made a secret book for Nokia employees before its takeover The coolest way to introduce one company to another is to chuck out a book that shows the history of both companies. The book isn’t just a bunch of words but includes several cool illustrations. In the months leading up to Microsoft’s acquisition of Nokia’s […]

#TodaysReads: DIY Wolverine Claws, The Kenyan Driving Licence, Thigh Butt and more (16.5.14)

Thigh butt It being a Friday, I think we can start on a light note. The moment I read this definition, someone came to mind :D. Urban dictionary often has hilarious definitions like this and sometimes they bring a smile to your face. Other times it’s disgusting. So it’s a bit of a hit or miss. […]

#TodaysReads: Safaricom backs War on Terror, 10 Year Old Philanthropist and more (15.5.14)

French journalist Camille Lepage killed in CAR While the world focuses on Nigeria’s missing girls, Sudan’s descent into civil war, let’s not forget the Central African Republic which has been suffering war for some time now from sectarian violence between Muslims and Christians. Security in CAR has deteriorated in recent months. Around a quarter of CAR’s […]

#TodaysReads: Unaffordable Middle Class, Ethics in Research & more (13.5.14)

How the Middle Class Lifestyle Became Unaffordable If you want to understand where the economy is headed and why it’s there, you need to read this. Seriously though, I need to move out of the middle class as soon as possible. Why have the costs of a middle class lifestyle soared while income has stagnated? Though […]